Nov 01, 2004 23:06
Hey ya'll...I have a question...and you probably have an question come its so hard to tell the ones we love about how we feel inside about things they do...or the things they don’t do...I feel awful...b.c I don’t have the nerve to talk to some of my friends and tell them how I truly feel about what they do and how if effects me and my life...I go through so much stress in one week and its not fun...and really the reason I get so stressed out is b.c when my friends are fighting it really hurts to see them do the things they do to each other...I love all my friends so much...and care for them all allot...I would die for heather and Erik in a heart beet...and others know I sat in my bed the other night thinking about life and my friends and family and how much I hate this year but honestly...I think I looked at my life in the wrong way...I was looking at all the bad things and dwelling on them to I thought of a quote my friend Amanda D said to me one day..." Don't let the past hold you back; you're missing the good stuff. " And " Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end." and you know what? She was right...and the person who ever came up with those 2 quotes...don’t let the past hold you back...why dwell on the past when there’s a hole future ahead of you!! I mean really people...I mean why be all upset about something that happened years ago? Stop turning around and going back to it!! We all need to turn the other way and walk to a new place...yeah the future...sure who knows what’s going to happen but I know it will be much better in the end... Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end. Yeah you read it right!! know what? I love you all and I hope you all are doing well... I’m getting better and my cold sore is finally going away!! Yay!! I'll be able to make out soon enough!!! Ha-ha Ohh Read my profile it tells about my party!! Yeah I know your thinking "TGI FRIDAYS AGAIN, UGG!!" Well suck it up b.c STU IS HOTT AND I WANNA SEE HIM ON MY B-DAY!!! Ha-ha well speaking of my B-DAY hears a list of things I wont!!! haha naa I don’t care what you get me!! I take anything!!
Anything NCSTATE!!!
Anything CUTE!! Like "STU!!!"
Anything really!!! hahaha
Can you say Oceans 11!!!!