(no subject)

Apr 30, 2008 11:26


1.You missed: McTwin, duh. And Katie.

2.Hugged: janey

3.IMed: tom? if gchat counts, then jane

4.You kissed: kissed kissed? the former boy

5.You yelled at: my poor teddy bear


1.Understanding: yup

2.Open-minded: yeah

3.Arrogant: i hope not

4.Insecure: way too much

5.Interesting: fascinating

6.Hungry: i love food

7.Smart: just call me mcbriliant

8.Moody: oh yeah

9.Hardworking: occasionally...

10.Organized: yeah right

11.Healthy: i have bouts of trying

12.Shy: usually not, but have my moments

13.Attractive: obviously. :P

14.Bored easily: not if there are sparkley things around. or sports. both work.

15.Responsible: sure, why not?

16.Obsessed: decidedly so

17.Angry: sometimes

18.Sad: trying not to be

19.Disappointed: hell yeah

20.Happy: what is happiness?

21.Hyper: *bounces*

22.Trusting: hahahahahaha.

23.Talkative: me? talkative? clearly

24.Legal: yups


1. Who did u last get angry with?: the world. the dumb boy. myself.

2. What is ur weapon of choice?: i bite a lot, so i suppose my teeth. or anything i can grab.

3. Would u hit a member of the opposite sex?: *giggle* no, of course not. and by that i mean yes.

5. Who was the last person who got really angry at u?: don't know, actually. probably stupid boy.

6. What is ur pet peeve?:smoking

7. Do u keep grudges, or can u let them go easily?: joe carter, what?


1. What is one thing u're supposed to do daily that u have not done in a long time? breakfast. eat.

2. What is the latest u've ever woken up?: 4ish? don't know, don't care
3. Name a person u've been meaning to contact, but haven't: don't know
4. What is the last lame excuse u made?: your mom

I5. Have u ever watched an infomercial all the way through?:damn you, wade.

6. When was the last time u got a good workout in?: way too long ago

7. How many times did u hit the snooze button on ur alarm clock today?: like 8. seriously.

1. What is ur overpriced yuppie beverage of choice?: since it's getting warm, frappaccinos from starbucks.

2. Meat eaters: yyes please.  
3. Do u eat the skin of off chicken?: ew, no.
4. Have u ever used a professional diet company?: hahahahahahahahahaha
5. Do u have an issue with ur weight?: at moments.

6. Do u prefer sweets, salty foods, or spicy foods?: sweets. give me sweets any day.

7. Have u ever looked at a small house pet or child and thought, "LUNCH!"?: duh. who hasn't?

1. How many credit cards do u own?: a couple
2. What's ur guilty pleasure store?: ann taylor loft, macy's

3. If u had $1 million, what would u do with it?: invest it, argentine tango
4. Would u rather be rich, or famous?: rich.

5. Would u accept a boring job if it meant u would make megabucks?: um, maybe.

6. Have u ever stolen anything?:no

7. How many MP3s are on ur hard drive?: 800 or so?

1. What one thing have u done that u're most proud of?: graduated college.
2. What one thing have u done that ur parents are most proud of?: central. mac. being a good perso

3. What things would u like to accomplish in ur life?:change the world, find true love, blah, blah, blah

4. Do u get annoyed by coming in second place?: yup
5. Have u ever entered a contest of skill, knowing u were of much higher skill than all the other competitors?: no
6. Have u ever cheated on something to get a higher score?: nope

7. What did u do today that u're proud of?:  client report/work-up

1. What item/person of ur friends would you most want to have for ur own?: i want all of them for my own. that's a silly ?
2. Who would u want to go on "Trading Spaces" with?: HA. none of them. that'd be a disaster. No, not true. Sara would be fun.

3. If u could be anyone else in the world, who would u be?: Madonna, if only cause she can get away w/ only one name. OR anne Boylen.

4. Have u ever been cheated on?: No
5. Have u ever wished u had a physical feature different from ur own?: Not really. I like me for me.
6. What inborn trait do u see in others that u wish u had for urself?: Red hair

7. Do u wish u'd come up with this survey?: Oh yeah. Obviously.
8. Finally, what is ur favorite deadly sin?:  Your mom.

survey, mcbored

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