(no subject)

Apr 25, 2008 10:29

 This amuses me

Grey's returned (in a blaze of glory) last night.  Pretty good episode, acutally. Slutty intern kicked some ass, and the McDream team looked McDelicious. They just need to get rid of the stupid nurse and give us some good Mer/Der McSex scenes and all will be well in the universe.

Meanwhile, I'm letting myself uber-indulge in a minute of fairy-tale deception. I'll wake up Monday, I promise.

Sunday's PIB Day: Pizza, Ice Cream, Booze.  Yeah, Wade & I are ready for Passover to be done. Woot for PIB @ S412.

I think that's about it for now. Utley/Burrell are the Brothers of Destruction at the moment, Top 2 or 3 in the NL in most offensive categories and top 10 in baseball. Crazy. They're why (*knock on wood*, fervently) the Phils are over .500, and could, *gasp* conceivably end up @/+ .500 for April for the first time since 2003. *knocks on wood some more* Go boys! Howard will pick up... right? Yeah, he will. I know it. Meanwhile, it is amusing to watch Utley/Burrell kick ass.

Wow. This really was random. Claire @ her finest.


passover, randomness, my boys, greys, mcbaseball

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