Claire's Men: Exit Stage Left

Apr 22, 2008 13:35

Eddie and Mark will be gone soon. This makes me very, very sad.  Especially Mark, cause jackass that he was/can be/whatever, he's still my Mark. And Eddie's adorable and wonderful and fun and wonderful for my dancing. I'm just so  used to them being in my life, you know. I've been there for almost 2 years, at least once a week (and quite often, quite a bit more), and realizing that it won't be like that anymore kinda sucks. I know I can't afford to continue and that majorly bites, cause I love, love dancing and clearly love the people. It's life, right? Blah. Probably half my fault for getting too attached anyway (*cough, Mark, cough*), but that doesn't change how I'm feeling.

Throw on top of it the boy exiting my life (which is for the better, I know, I know, McTwin), and it's like a man-exodus or something.

Oh well.

On the plus side: I was the first to vote in my district. Rock on for me! It should be interesting to watch tonight and see how it all plays out.  We shall see.

mark, politics, mcdirty, boys, dance

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