Color Me McBaffled

Feb 13, 2008 14:52


So I've spent today not working, I mean listening to the steroids/HGH hearings starring Roger Clemens and friends.

I'm not even sure what to say.  Well, I have a few things. I think it's sad it got so partisan, but I suppose not so surprising. Still, sad. I feel like they put a whole hell of a lot of weight on the words of someone (Pettite) who didn't tell the whole truth in the beginning. I find that kind of disconcerting. The real problem-one of many- is that no one is entirely credible. I don't believe a word of McNamee, but I can't entirely believe Clemens either. Pettite is likewise problematic, despite what our esteemed members of Congress seem to think. I've had this discussion with a few people and I'll admit it: I want to believe Clemens never injected, or was injected with anything, I do. There are some things that make me think he is telling the truth. On the other hand, like everyone else involved in this three-ring circus, his story/testimony has plenty of holes in it. So how the hell does one make sense of all of this? There's plenty of blame to go around, but that's the easy part. Admittedly, I didn't hear every single word of every question and answer, but I got enough, I think. A  friend of mine works for a Representative, so I'm kind of curious to find out what he has to say about everything.  It  seems that this really didn't clear anything up- just made a whole new layer of chemically enhanced fog.

The whole thing is staggering. Incomprehensible, even.  I have a ton more to say, but should probably do some work. What a novel concept, eh? I strongly suspect I'll spend the entirety of my evening on the phone (watch out McTwin- this means you!), because there's just so much to talk about. Crazy, crazy, crazy. Don't be surprised if there's another entry later. This needs some time to seep in my little brain. Oy.

Pitchers & catchers report tommorow. Wahoo!

confusion, oy vey, steroids/hgh, mcbaseball

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