I *heart* being McCute

Oct 09, 2007 21:02

So today's Tuesday. I usually HATE Tuesdays and either want to a)shop or b)drink. Today, I did neither! Yay!

Had a triple w/ McDirty. how freakin' fabulous. Our Halloween dance is going to kick ass. Kick ass, I tell you. And I got conned into some stupid salsa duel thing w/ Mark and his student on Thurs. Stupid Jewish guilt in conjunction w/ competitive nature (you mean I'm competitive, what?).

Oh, and his niece is adorable.

I hit Starbucks on the way home for a treat (cause I should be studying and such) and ordered a tall frappuccion. The guy was like "you're cute, so I'll charge you for a tall but give you a grande." he then proceeded to give me a venti. Which is bigger than I am, by the way. :P

Things like that make me happy.

starbucks, mcdirty

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