if i were to write a song about you
the chords would slowly progress into a sad folk feeling
i would hum a bit at the beginning
thinking of you
I would sing about your eyes- and the life thats in them
life filled eyes that sparkle in the moonlight
or some other cheesy song refrain like that, just to spruce things up.
I wouls sing of your smell- the warm vitality that noone ever notices
but it smells like you- welcoming, caring, kind.
Id sing for you, and only you
and realize id stolen a line from another song
id repent. repent.
id sing of the thirteen requirements
and how i wish i met even one of them
and how it will never be
youre just too good
and im just too subpar
but the song isnt about me.
its not about my feelings, but rather your life, and my perception of it.
Its about your laughter, your struggles, your lowest point in life- rock bottom,
and i still think your soul is more beautiful than ever
because noone else sees it
or maybe they do
and i make myself feel special. This song is not about me. Its about your life filled eyes and laughter and vitality.
its about your love.
If i were to write a song about you, the chords would flow from my fingertips despit my inexperience.
the words would roll down my cheeks and drip into a hollow guitar that holds all the admiration i have for you in its strings.
And the chorus would be catchy- never repetative.
And the bridge would be intense.
And the ending would ot fade out... for you never fade.
The ending will be sad, because i cannot help myself but to put my own feelings into the song.
I sing for you, guitar in hand, without an audience, a song that cannot ever be written.