SO! Fic recs for the month of August, aren't ya'll excited?
Comment fic of the Gerard/Frank variety that
algernon-mouse wrote when I provided her with HIM. Like, this is my dream come true. *g*
Composition and it's companion piece,
Theory v. 1.0 by
coffeewordangel. Ray/Bob, Gerard/Frank. Gerard is fairly easy to like. Frank, on the other hand, is made of evil. He’s sly and sarcastic and can pull a choir boy expression at will. Against his better instincts, Ray sort of adores him.
refractory by
scribblesinsand. Gerard/Frank. The ceiling is covered in mirrors.
The Best Day of Our Lives, by
valerie_z, who never ceases to be awesome. Gerard/Eliza, Frank/Jamia, Gerard/Frank friendship. "I've invited you all to my mom's house this weekend because we have very important things to discuss," Gerard said.
Untitled by
ficbyzee. Frank/Bob/Gerard. Frank in heat fic. *g* Gerard trails off because, Bob assumes, he's distracted by the way Frank is rubbing his palms back and forth over his own thighs and licking his lips, staring at Gerard with a glassy look in his eye.
Hows and Whys by
odd-ities. Frank/Bob. Sometimes, Frank wonders. About people, about meaning, about importance.
Please try not to die in a fire by
dysintegration. Frank/Bob. Frank Iero - and this is a fact - is an obnoxious little shit.
[wake up and notice] by
cimorene111. Genderfuck. Mikey/Alicia, Gerard/Frank. Everyone just stared at everyone else for a second until Mikey mumbled, "Everyone turned into a girl except you last night, so I guess now there won't be anyone to kill spiders."
Miss Cleo Was an Amateur by
impertinence. Frank/Mikey. With Psychic!Gerard! Gerard goes down like a two-dollar whore, of course ("of course" in this context meaning "everyone but Frank could have told you what would happen if Frank whacked him with his guitar"), and then Frank's eyes widen and he stumbles backwards, the momentum of the guitar carrying him into the crowd...
Exponential by
misspamela. Gen. "We're helping you move," Ray said, holding up packing tape and a Sharpie. Gerard saw that Frank had already used the Sharpie to label himself, helpfully, "Frank."
Possibly my favorite rare pairing in life:
Comment fic written for me by
_justwords_, Ville/Gerard! *dies happy* MCR, HIM. Ville may be covered with tattoos, swirls of dark, black ink that stretch across his bony frame, intricate patterns that blend together in the darkness, but he's not Frank, not even close, and maybe that's what Gerard needs now.
And yet another MCR/HIM:
Dirty Yourself Clean by
persianfire. Ville/Gerard. Ville wound Gerard’s hair around his knuckles, pulling painfully until their lips were ripped apart, a string of glistening saliva connecting them. He had a penchant for whispering obscure, dirty poetry that made the Jersey singer hard as fuck.
If It Means Sanctuary by
daybreak25. Vague Gerard/Frank, definite Pete/Gerard. Pete Wentz is a walking cliché, apparently.
All These Things That I've Done by
saintawesome and
evil_authoress. WIP, eventual Bob/Gerard. FBI AU. Bob really hates his job.
Something Like A Mystery by
untappedbeauty. Patrick/Gerard. Patrick doesn't like being around him without other people, other conversations to hide behind, because he doesn't get Gerard. He's got this idealistic earnestness that doesn't fucking make sense.
get some twinkle for your eye by
megyal. Art school AU. Pete/Patrick, Pete/Gerard, Patrick/Gerard, Pete/Patrick/Gerard. Yeah, so when Gerard first saw Patrick stumbling through the door of the dorm-room, he was torn between horrified complaining to the Dorm Rep, or shrieking with laughter over his new room-mate's sense
Untitled ficlet by
loveyouallwrong. Pete/Patrick, with Gerard thrown in for good measure. But that's when the calls start. He's awoken again by an strangely familiar voice on the phone whispering. "Traitor. Fraternizing with the enemy. You will regret this."
pretty in ink by
mimesere. Pete/Patrick, implied Patrick/MCR. One day, Patrick comes in and they can all CLEARLY SEE something that looks a lot like ink curling over the nape of his neck. They are shocked! And a little bit horrified! And betrayed!
Clothes Off! by
queenofhell. Pete/Mikey, Pete/William, Pete/Ryan, Pete/Jeanae, Pete/Patrick. Pete had kind of given up on the cock thing.
You Lost Me At Hello by
normalhumanbein. Patrick/Spencer, Pete/Ryan, Pete/Jepha. When they get to L.A., Patrick takes two jobs in shitty retail outlets and jams in a shitty band with three other guys from the second. Pete slobs around their shared apartment, eating dry cereal and claiming to be writing the great anti-American novel.
Patrick Stump and a Semester Abroad by
virtuousvices. Patrick/Gerard. How could French I be so hard? French babies learned French.
The Internet Is Not For Rockstars by
adellyna. Pete/Patrick. If someone doesn't take the internet away from Pete Wentz, Patrick is going to choke a bitch.
Marabou by
provetheworst. Pete/Patrick. Wing fic! Who doesn't love that?
“Hey, you guys,” Patrick says as he clamors back onto the bus, returning from an early breakfast at Denny's. “Wait, does Pete have --”
“No,” Joe and Pete both say at the same time.
someday, Glasgow will be so two years ago by
iphignia939. Pete/Patrick. “So basically, you guys are worried because I was out doing grown-up things that are part of my job title, and my ex-boyfriend got engaged, and I wasn’t out shooting people with paintball guns?”
Paradoxymoron by
xxdance. Pete/Patrick. Part two of two, link to chapter one at the top. "That was flirting?" Patrick asked, bemused.
better off the other way around by
megyal. Love potion crack!fic. Pete/Patrick. To make another person fall in love with you, brew this tea on a Friday during a waxing moon (moving from empty to full).
Graffiti by
megyal. Pete/Patrick. Ptrk Stmp tks t p th ss.
Lord Knows It Would Be The First Time by
azurejay. Pete/is fucked up, Pete/Patrick. Pete finds himself thinking that now that Anna's gone, he kind of hopes Patrick will actually fuck one of these girls who keep hitting on him, and then Pete can run into her in the hotel hallway or the stairwell or something afterwards and take her back to his room, and he thinks that would be so much better than fucking some girl who's only flirted at Patrick.
Portrait in Kodachrome by
zoemargaret. A relationship in pictures. And words.
How Life Can Be by
sevenfists. Pete/Patrick. "I need a new band," Patrick says. "Maybe Gabe will adopt me."
A birthday ficlet for Mr. Stump by
joyfulseeker. Gen. So his first inkling that something weird was going on began when he unlocked his hotel room door, dragging his suitcase behind him, and some girl was in his bed, naked.
Dearly Beloved by
linzeems. Pete/Patrick. Pete ignores him, rolls over. His bangs and Patrick's sweater obscure his eyes. “Don't ignore me, Patrick Stump,” he says to Patrick's stomach. “I'm proposing. We should get married.”
Quiet Is the New Loud (I Will Follow You Into the Dark by
sobrellevar. Pete/Patrick. "We can't all be The Vegan," he retorts. "I'm just the One with the Good Bone Structure, in the same way that Trohmania will always be the Coolest Jew and the Gentlest Creature on the Face of the Earth sings all our songs. We don't choose the roles that God gives us."
The Rules of 'Ships (Friend and Relation) by
stumphed. Pete/Patrick. 1.) You are no longer your own person. You are now part of the single entity referred to as Pete&Patrick.
Oh em eff gee, that took forfuckingever to do. WEE!
Bear in mind, some of these were written in August, some weren't. This is just what I've read. And I have a "to read" folder that contains more links than I have active brain cells, so I'm going to have these recs going for a long, long time. *g*