Vancouver, eh?

Feb 12, 2010 11:37

I think I'm coming down with a cold, which sucks. I hate being sick. I hate knowing that I have stuff to do but can't because I have no energy.

On the plus side, since the Olympics start today if I do get sick, there will not be a lack of stuff to watch. X3

I watched the Today Show "live" from Vancouver (I put it in quotation marks simply because I live on the west coast and therefore anything that broadcasts live from the east coast is three hours later here) where they've set up to cover the games. And Vancouver, eh.

I have to say, it's kind of funny, I'm sure by the end of the month they will not be so bright eyed and bushy-tailed at what equates to seven AM New York time - they'll be broadcasting at four AM here. This probably means that they have to get to the "studio" at one or two AM. Methinks that the Today Show crew will be sleeping though the bulk of the games, simply because by going to bed at around three or four in the afternoon is the only way they'll be getting up in time to do the show.

Anyway, I'll probably make myself a bowl of popcorn to have as I watch the opening ceremonies. Of course everyone and their pet will be comparing it to the summer games two years ago. Don't get me wrong - Beijing's opening ceremonies were truly impressive if not a little contrived. (What can I say, communist countries really like to put on the old song and dance to cover up their glaring inadequacies.) I'm sure Canada will do a great job - their show at the close of the Turin games was a fantastic preview of what we can expect.

Now for the fun part, which famous Canadian will light the Olympic torch? The Great One, Wayne Gretzky (and I just realized that my spell check actually has his name in the database...)? Michael J. Fox? Sarah MacLaughlin? Kurt Browning? I think of all of the options, and the fact that it's the OLYMPICS, Wayne Gretzky is probably the top choice. Kurt Browning is also a good choice, but it could be a pop culture icon as well. Bryan Adams, Michael J. Fox, Pamela Anderson, Nathan Fillion (okay, probably not, but I can hope, can't I?), Nelly Furtado...

All will be revealed tonight, but it's fun to contemplate what might happen.

canada eh, olympic glory, sick

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