Oh my cheese

Oct 17, 2010 11:00

I am a zombie.

I'm running on about five hours of sleep. And here's why.

I went with four of my friends to the "local" (in quotation marks because it's a three hour drive from where I live) amusement park as in October they turn it into a horror park on the weekends. Riding roller coasters in the dark? Check. Riding one in the dark and backwards? Also check. We left a bit later than we would have liked, and because we also had to stop for dinner, we didn't get to the park until eight - about an hour or so after we would have liked. Naturally lines are something ridiculous so it took us roughly four hours to ride three rides. The park closed at midnight, and considering that we were riding rides at that time, we didn't officially leave the park until almost midnight-thirty.

Once we left the park, we stopped at a fast food drive-through, where we ended up in line for half an hour, just so we could get some hot food into us for the drive home. Once we got our food, we hit the road, and the first driver was fine until we got just out of Spokane, where she suddenly started feeling really tired and then starting having issues with her contact. At the first rest stop we found, I took over the driving under the pretext that by the next rest area if I wasn't feeling up to driving the rest of the way (which is about 40 or so miles from our "base of operations"), I would stop and we'd change out drivers. I was fine for the rest of the drive, and about twenty miles out of Pasco proper I was suddenly wide awake and got us home no problem. Which was probably a good thing considering I still had to drive home.

All in all I made it home in one piece, where I removed my make-up, put on my pajamas and crashed into bed. I slept until almost ten this morning (missing my boys on the Fox Pre-Game show, but that's okay), which is when I realized, "Oh, hey, football," and dragged my butt from the bed to the couch. My husband made coffee and muffins so I have breakfast, with little to no effort on my part. It's been quite nice not to have to think much more than, "Log-in to various social networks."

We've decided that if we do it last next year, we're going to leave home much earlier (we had to choice as to the time we left as one of our friends was working until twenty minutes before we left), trying to get the park at six (which is when it's officially "Scarywood") so we can leave by ten or eleven. Also, if for any reason we think we might we be late, we're going to get a hotel, end of discussion. We were lucky that three of us were awake enough to drive home, but had we all been completely exhausted, we probably would have been doomed.

And now, I'm going to watch football and just relax.

thrill rides, amusement parks, zombies, halloween, tired, scarywood, zomgwtf

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