I'm taking a short break after my shower to write a quick entry. First of all, I've gone in a completely different direction with NaNoWriMo. I was originally going to write a follow-up to Magnolia Blossoms - last year's completed effort - when I had a little brain storm that wouldn't go away. So I opened Word, started jotting everything down, and lo and behold, I have a completely different story idea for this November. You can read more about it at my NaNo LJ,
penismighter. Also there is the link to my official NaNo profile. :)
Secondly, today will be spend doing more cleaning. The oven needs to be pre-washed (to get the worst of the gunk out, and may be assisted by boiling some water, sticking it in a dish, and letting the oven steam for twenty minutes or so) before running the self-cleaning cycle, tables and whatnot need to be dusted, and the whole apartment should be vacuumed for good measure. I'm also going to run the excess plastic bags down to be recycled as well as pick up a few boxes to start putting Goodwill bound clothing into.
Of course, I still have all of the usual things to do today - doing dishes and making the bed - never mind that all I want to do is play around with the special features on Beauty and the Beast. Also, I want to watch all of Saiyuki again. Maybe what I do is put Saiyuki in as I work so I have background noise. Besides, I think my major plans for once the cleaning is done is to cut out the pattern for the Christmas party dress. I'll probably go and pick up the fabric tomorrow. I'm going with that dusty, rose pink. It has light peach undertones, but I can wear it. Plus, I have a coupon for 50% off of a fabric purchase. Now seems like a pretty good time to go and get it, that way I can get the dress sewn before NaNo starts.
In other news, I finished Naked Heat last night, but that's an entry in and of itself. And in case you were wondering, there really is a Firefly reference on page 141.