Mar 19, 2010 10:20
I've decided, that when my friends get their own places, I'm going to get my friends something to welcome them into their new homes.
Ideal gift: a cook book.
Admittedly, a few friends already have a stack of recipes or family cook books that they're taking with them, but I've decided that everyone needs a copy of the
Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book, which I have deemed the Kitchen Bible. Seriously, my grandmother has one, my mother has two, and I have one.
I have the Pink edition, the one that is slightly pricier than the standard Red and White edition, but part of the inflated price goes towards breast cancer research and education. Plus they've included bonus recipes from celebrity chefs and additional appetizers, desserts and sides. As to the main part of the cook book, it's the same as the Red and White edition.
(As an aside, my mother has two copies of the cook book because she has the Pink edition, but I also got her the 1953 reprint a few years back which as all of those wonderfully fattening 1950s recipes and entertaining tips.)
Anyway, it's just an idea. If my friends don't want that and would rather get a plant, I can do that, too.
moving on up,