BeliEf mAkes thinGs rEal, feEl True, thinGs liKe yOu...
May 14, 2005 16:33
helLo itS saTurDay aftERno0n. im so0o bOred!! i cleaned my whOle ro0m and organized my cloth and everything! hmmm weLl yEa this was a pretty eventfull week; i had to miss dance all week =( --i <3 Calil-- lmAo i fOund my dress mOnday after sko0l =)and..i HaD a cOnfirmAtiOn reherSal on Tuesday, ConfirmAtiOn on Wednesday, i saW naTi!! lol And yeA skipped sko0l on thurSday. ThurSday reherSal wenT weLL, sum1 dieD in the OC anD the pizZa waS huge!! lol MaDars test wAs haRd aS baLls!! im SecReTaRy of TheOlogy hOnOr sOcity =)... umm we nOw have a VirginS cLub at sko0l?(no comment) anD yEa yeSterday the bAseBall teAm lOst agAint wat haS tO be thE mOst annOying EFFing sko0l EVER!! FriDaii the 13th wAS baD lUck fOr me, kaRElyn, and KiKi =/ lol weLL yEa thAts preTTy muCh iT... my biRthdays in 7 days... **seniOrs aRe gOne** ---> sPeciAl goodLuck 2: Nikki, Nicole T, Nicole F, Danny, Erick **yeSteRday waS mAx and LettYs 3 mOnth** aww<33
<33 mERCy
::SaTurDay:: (( piKs juSt fOr kRisTin ))