Apr 16, 2007 02:27
worked today, then went to beer bust at the Wrangler for a bit before heading home to work some more on my application for BES. I am pressuring myself to finish it tomorrow, but the essay questions are enormous and exhausting to answer. Hopefully it will all be worth it, and I will make it to the next step in the process, or get feedback that will help me submit a better application for next year.
Have started putting the text of BENT into my computer and creating a list of what will be needed in order to start budgeting what will have to be spent, and how much will have to be made, then deciding if it is worth the effort to continue with this project, or look at a different possibility.
My task list for tomorrow has 25 goals, many of them with sub-objectives, that I want to accomplish tomorrow. I work 715-215 at Starbucks, too, so good use of my time will be essential. There's a lot to do, but I think it can get done if I keep myself focussed. I am beginning to wonder if my need to multi task is not more of a need to multi focus instead. Absorbing myself in one thing that I can give my undivided attention to for shorter periods of time is feeling more productive than trying to to seventeen things at once. This experiment will have to continue until I have more data to compare with older behaviors.
Feeling tired, but accomplished, and ready to go to bed and recharge a bit before I overextend myself (no really, in a good way) tomorrow.