Feb 09, 2004 19:09
fucking censor me. i don't care. i'm not going to censor myself because i'm afraid of who's reading. this has all gotten out of control. being afraid to talk about things on my fucking journal because i might be watched. look at me, i'm not afraid. suspend me and see how much of a case we can make about this shit. i don't even know who's reading my words anymore. but you can be damned sure that i'm not going to keep my words to myself because this world is turning into something out of orwell.
so fuck you, if you are reading this, oh mighty officials of government. fuck you too if you think i'm a paranoid schitzophrenic. fuck you for fucking us all over for wanting a place to ourselves and a little bit of attention sometimes, just to stir things up. fuck you for monitoring every little detail of our fucking lives as soon as we take a stand and try to cry for help or talk about something you don't want us to. fuck you for labeling him a threat. fuck you for labeling us all threats. fuck you for trying to watch out for us by killing us. fuck you for trying to isolate cases of individualism and eradicte them like smallpox.