Atlantis The Gift

Jan 12, 2006 13:36

The Gift. It's a Teyla episode with more stick fighting LOL We find out more about her ability to sense the wraith...

The episode starts late at night. Everyone is in bed (John and Ford) or working (Rodney heheh) suddenly we see a wraith in Atlantis' corridors :O it goes into Teyla's room, it starts feeding on her! Whew, it was just a dream. hehhe (to see practically the whole opening sequence, watch my vid Enter Sandman again hehe)

So Teyla gets up to go tell John what she dreamed except when she gets in his room, all she finds is his dessicated corpse, she turns around and there is the wraith :O She wakes up AGAIN! Whew, it was just a dream in a this part real? ;)

Stick fighting! (see clip) John notices that Teyla is a little off her game. She says she's fine. She admits to not sleeping, to having nightmares about the wraith.

At a briefing, Weir tells everyone they have less than a week until the wraith arrive :O Now we can really start counting Rodney's sleep hehehe Ok, he said he slept 6 hours in the last few days in Letters from Pegasus and in this one he says he hasn't slept in days *g* it's so damn good hehe

Weir: "I want options."

Rodney: "You mean besides crying ourselves to sleep?" he looks around, "Well, not *me*, I haven't slept in days"

Back to the subject at hand, Rodney and Radek have found a command chair in atlantis that is much like the one Jack used in Antartica. They haven't been able to initialize it and even if they did there's not enough power for it. Weir tells them to keep working on it.

Weir then asks Bates how the Alpha site is coming. He says everything looks good and they are just awaiting final inspection by Sheppard.

She asks Teyla if the Athosians are ready to evacuate. Teyla says they aren't going to run away this time. Weir makes sure that Teyla understands that rather than have the city fall to the wraith, they will destroy it and Teyla's people will be cut off from the stargate forever. Plus Weir said they will take the control crystal with them that lets Atlantis' gate dial Earth and hopefully someday be able to do just that from their new home.

Now we get to meet someone new, the expedition's head shrinker, Kate Heightmeyer. She sits with Teyla at lunch and tells her about what a psychologist does...then she brings out the "I'm here if you need to talk" line. Teyla gets upset but retains her composure, she asks if Major Sheppard asked Kate to speak with her, Kate says yes, Teyla gets up and says, "I appreciate the concern but I'm fine." and leaves.

Teyla's kind of insulted that anyone thinks there's something wrong with her head and confronts John before their mission to the Alpha site. Teyla's upset that John told Kate what Teyla had said in private. John tells her it's because he was worried about her and it's his responsibility to make sure the members of his team are ok. He goes so far as to tell her she should sit this mission out and take a nap. Teyla realizes that she has been acting out of character and reluctantly agrees.

So Teyla takes John's advice and lays down. She can't sleep so she decides to go talk to Kate. Who should she run into leaving Kate's office but Rodney LOL He's a little flustered at being caught there hehehe he says, "We're seeing each other." Teyla's like really? He asks Teyla to keep it hush hush.

Teyla's not sure how the whole shrink thing works so Kate starts simple. She asks Teyla about her ability to sense the wraith. She asks her what it feels like. Teyla says it feels like a deep cold that comes from within. she first felt it when she was a child. Kate asks her if she feels it now, Teyla says she's had a knot inside her for some time now. Kate says the wraith are still pretty far away, can she really sense them already? Teyla says no, this feeling is different and it's constant.

Kate asks Teyla to tell her about the nightmares. Teyla tells her of one where *she* herlsef is a wraith :O Kate says that sometimes a dream is just a dream and Teyla says that the fact that on some level she see's herself as a wraith is pretty disturbing to her. Kate tells her that she feels out of control and sometimes, the more we know about something the more we can feel in control of it...Teyla decides to take that to heart and learn more about her gift.

She goes to Beckett and asks him if she's different from the Earthlings, he says "I've run every test I could on all of you from the get-go. Psyiologiacally you and your people are the same as we are. I have no explanation for any of your special super powers." Teyla corrects him, "I only have one." Beckett grins and says, "I've seen ya fight my dear." She says that she knows it follows family lines, Beckett says there's no way to know if it's genetic without samples from everyone in her family. She then asks Beckett to take her to the mainland where she talks with an old lady who was close to her family.

Teyla asks Charon, the old lady, if she knows why Teyla can sense the wraith. charon says that some people believe it is a gift from the Ancestors. Teyla asks if that is what Charon believes. Charon says, "you're father asked me not to tell you." Teyla says, her father isn't here anymore. So Charon spills the beans. She says that there is a story about the few who once returned from wraith captitvity.

Teyla goes to Weir with the rest of the story. Some people believed that the ancestors had returned their loved ones, that they had been blessed with a gift that made them unwanted by the wraith. Soon the "taken" began to be feared because they spoke of hearing voices, began to act strangely and some became violent and murderous. The villagers turned on the taken, most were killed, the rest were banished. After that no others were ever returned again. Of those that survived was Teyla's lineage. Teyla has the address to the planet where this happened. She wants to go there. Weir ok's it.

On the planet it's obvious that they're just humoring Teyla so she will get some sleep but then Rodney picks up some energy readings..."I've got a little..." Ford teases him, "You got a little what?" Ford grins at his own joke, "Hey, McKay, you got a *little* what?" hehehe everyone ignores him though. They check it out but literally run into a dead end. Teyla's feeling around on the rocks and falls through them :O John goes to the wall, which is solid again and yells for Teyla, Rodney says, "Maybe she got a good running start, you know, really slam into it." John just gives him dirty look. Suddenly the wall disappears and Teyla is standing there. She was looking for a way out. They take a look around and realize they are in a wraith ship.

Back on Atlantis Rodney tells Weir that it was an old Wraith laboratory. He found a wraith data recorder there, much like the one they took from the Genii. The data is in text, wraith text, no pictures like before unfortunately LOL It looks a lot like ancient so Weir takes deciphering it as her personal project.

Teyla's back in Kate's office. Kate is asking her why she could open the invisible door when no one else could, she says, is it because only a wraith could open it? She then gets all creepy looking and says, "Tell, me, what does it feel like to be a wraith?" the camera pans to Teyla whose wraithified, and she says, "I feel hunger!" Teyla then wakes up, it was just another dream *whew!*

Cut to Rodney, Radek and Carson at the control chair. Carson is looking at it like it's gonna eat him. They need him to initialize the chair, Carson says to Rodney, you have the gene now, you do it! Rodney says he can't be in the chair and watch the readouts at the same time. Weir comes in and says she needs Beckett, Carson is like "Oh, thank god!" LOL See the clip :D

Weir has discovered that Carson was right, the wraith evolved after the Ancients arrived in Pegasus.

It's morning now and Weir and Beckett call for Teyla to join them, there's something they have to tell her. The wraith were conducting experiments on Teyla's ancestors. One wraith actually and he was doing it in secret. He was trying to make their food source more compatable with their species. He spliced wraith DNA into them. Teyla has wraith DNA DUN DUN DUN!

Carson and Weir tell John, Rodney and Ford the news. Carson's theory of how the wraith evolved: The Ancients unwittingly allowed humans to evolve on a planet with the Iratus bug (the one that gave John a major hickey in 38 minutes) at some point the bug fed on humans and incorporated our DNA into theirs and the wraith are an evolution of that combination.

Teyla is with Kate again, blah blah blah

John and Rodney walk into Weir's office to tell her that they can't get he chair initialized even with John in it. She tells them she knows why the wraith stopped his experiments. The wraith communicate using some sort of telepathic network. The experiment allowed the altered humans to tap into that network and hear wraith communications.

Weir thinks that Teyla might be able to tap into the Wraith Psychic Network and gather all the intel they need.

Kate thinks that over the generations, Teyla's people have developed a mental barrier to protect themselves from the wraith thoughts. She thinks if they can get past that barrier with hypnosis, then she can hear the wraith's plans.

Teyla agrees and the go forward. They hypnotize her and she hears voices :O She can see, she's on a wraith ship. The wraith she is "in" feeds on a human and Teyla freaks out. They snap her out of the hypnosis.

Weir freaks out, she shouldn't have asked Teyla to do it. Teyla runs out and says, why did you stop? It was working! Weir's like, huh? Teyla says she's going to try again.

Back in her mind, she's walking around the hive ship again. She's telling them that she's in a control room when all of a sudden she opens her eyes, looks around and in a deep voice says, "You are all so pathetic." John's like, "something tells me that's not Teyla talking." Teyla keeps talking, "Nothing can stop us." Carson hit's the disconnect button that's supposed to wake Teyla up, but it doesn't work, Teyla says, "You are all going to die!" and finally wakes up and doesn't remember what happened.

John thinks she should try again, Weir's like Huh? you were there, a wraith had control of her!

Offworld activation, it's Bate's team from the Alpha site. They were under wraith attack. Bates is ticked, the wraith showed up in a ship, tagged the planet and attacked. The planet was uninhabited, Weir wants to know what the wraith wanted with it. Bates doesn't know but he says it was almost like the wraith knew they were there. *gulp*

In the infirmary, Ford is talking to Teyla, she says she was very close. She thinks she saw their battle plan. Ford says, "We know their battle plan, they're coming to wipe us out." Teyla doesn't think that's totally true. She says they are desperate, never before have so many wraith been awake at the same time and there isn't enough food to go around.

Weir and John tell Bates what's been up with Teyla while he's been gone. He goes ballistic. He says that they probably got the location for the Alpha site from her!

Teyla decides to try again. This time she sees their plans, but a wraith takes over her body and attacks everyone in the room, (watch Enter Sandman for this scene hehhee) There's no stopping her until Bates stuns her a couple of times with a wraith stunner.

After she wakes up, she tells the others what she saw...the wraith know about Earth (from when the female wraith read Sumner's mind), and they know that atlantis is the only way to get to Earth, where there are billions upon billions of people just waiting to be fed upon :O

The end :O


John has a poster of Johnny Cash on his wall ;D

Clip Alert! Teyla and John stick fighting

Clip Alert! Rodney, Radek and Carson with the chair ;D

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