Apr 30, 2006 22:46

Because I'm just not done ranting yet....

Today is SUNDAY. THE SABBATH. Now, I'm not a religious man as you all know, but I believe in honoring the Sabbath by not doing a thing on the day. It's supposed to be a day of peace and relaxation...

The day is not supposed to start off with your sister's over dependent cat crying at 5 am and waking the entire house up. Neither is the day suppose to begin, because you're so pissed off at the cat, that you can no longer sleep. From here the day progresses....you begin work on your essay, which isn't bad. But then you get a little frustrated and decide to blow off some steam doing something productive. Off to the garage you go to weld...only no Solid Core welding wire is to be found, damn. No biggy right? Right. Off to Lowe's you go to get some welding wire. You borrow your mother's truck, because she needs some top soil while you're there...no biggy right? Right.

DRIVING MOTHERFUCKERS DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS CONCEPT?! It means that you DO NOT drive in the LEFT lane of a BUSY road at 38mph (when the speed limit is 40). It means that you DO NOT block in people trying to chance lanes, because you're too busy jackin' off. What it means is...YOU FOCUS ON WHAT YOU'RE DOING. YOU PAY FUCKING ATTENTION AND YOU FUCKING DRIVE. Then, when I get next to you and discover you're on the cell phone? GET OFF THE CELLPHONE YOU DUMBASS!!!

You get to Lowe's without further incident. Except what do you find? SHOPPING CARTS EVERYWHERE...PEOPLE...the FUCKING shopping cart return rack is RIGHT THERE. It is a TWENTY SECOND walk. But you leave your cart where? In the parking lot, where the wind can blow it anywhere...it somebody's mother's truck for instance. I mean JESUS H. CHRIST...a TWENTY SECOND AMOUNT OF EFFORT. And where are you? Probably too lazy to do it, you got in your car and whipped out your cellphone, started chugging you 60 ounce Starbucks triple-quadruple espresso, turned the radio up, put makeup on, and shaved all at the same time, didn't you?! It's people like YOU who are RUINING THIS COUNTRY. LAZY GOOD FOR NOTHINGS.

Home again...weld, life disappates some. You come in and do research on a new car you're looking at thinking about buying. Only it turns out the owners of the cars you like are all assholes and treat you like a foreign invader when you ask a question. Hey get over yourself fuck-offs, you drive $2,000 cars like the rest of us. YOUR SHIT STINKS.

Finally, you sit back and try and calm and serene yourself into a relaxed nature when your mother calls you from the other room every 30 seconds about another piece of furniture for your new apartment. It's THREE MONTHS AWAY...all the furniture is not going to disappear, mmkay Mom?

And then...you post this in your LJ, without a cut...just to piss everyone else off.

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