silvara21 tagged me...
Write an LJ entry about 5 Guilty Pleasures.
State this rule clearly: In the end you need to choose 5 people to be tagged and list their names.
1. Snuggling on the couch with
shippo_chan while watching Saturday morning cartoons. (note: I don't feel guilty about this one)
2. Sumptuous dinner at a really nice restaurant with
nhlsteffi. (the guilt is for the scream from my wallet, but she's SO worth it)
3. Spending a whole weekend at a gaming con and not thinking about work even once. (don't really feel guilty about that, either)
4. Snuggling with
nhlsteffi on a weekday morning and trying not to think about work even once.
City of Heroes. I could play that for days on end.
Tag, you're it!!!!
aiko_angel gi_jules priestess_bambi trowathelost weedatheevil