Two layouts

Jan 26, 2013 18:35

Originally published at One Life Documented. You can comment here or there.

Happy Saturday, all!

I’ve just updated my page on publications and gone through the folder for 2012-layouts. There are two layouts I’ve yet to share, that didn’t make it to publication.

They’ve got photos from the trip I took to Krakow with my work in September.

This first, Words, is about our visit to Schindler’s factory. Such strong impressions met us there, so much history. The exhibition was very, very well made and gave us a big insight into the war as it was perceived/experienced in Krakow and Poland. The photo on the layout is of two of my colleagues as they entered the last room of the exhibition. The walls are covered in quotes from Jews (from Krakow) who survived the war, about what had happened to them and how the people of Krakow helped them.

The exterior of the factory has these window-displays with photos of the Jews Schindler saved.

One of the very first rooms in the exhibition. The hairs on my neck rose as I saw the banners.

A display of real photos, about laws preventing Jews to live as normal citizens.
Schindler’s office as he left it.

This second layout is about the views in Krakow. I love visiting big cities, and while others might like to look at more rural landscape to see something different from their everyday lives, I love city architecture!
From the first day there, walking into the city center.

From inside the market halls.

On the edge of the Jewish quarter.

The square on a sunny Saturday afternoon, buzzing with life - everything from weddings to teenagers shopping and enjoying themselves, but also beggars and others living on the margin.

My view while eating my last meal in Krakow.

lo, travel

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