Kraków, Kraków!

Oct 08, 2012 10:16

Originally published at One Life Documented. You can comment here or there.

Almost two weeks ago I went to Kraków, Poland with my department at work. It was so much fun and the city is so beautiful!

Some of us also visited Auschwitz. We had a really good guide and how awful it might sound, it was an interesting visit. However, due to the sheer amount of people there (up to 9000 people each day), it didn’t really get to me as I thought it would. Don’t get me wrong, there were some pretty awful moment; like seeing all of the women’s hair and all of the glasses they took from their prisoners. Seeing some of the prisoner’s photographs in a hallway, with their names and details on where they were from, their profession and such.

Last week I made a layout about the experience, as my take on Simple Scrapper’s* October assignment: To make a layout including signage in such way. I started out with this “vorsicht” sign from Auschwitz, but it kinda escalated from there and I ended up making a double-page, something highly unusual for me, and it didn’t really fit the assignment…

When making this, I wanted the focus to be on the photos and not my layout, if you understand what I mean. I also wanted subtle colors and thought the layered polaroid paper on the left could symbolize all those photos that could have been taken of the victims of Nazi Germany and Auschwitz, if holocaust hadn’t happened. I also used a die-cut pocket to hide my journaling tag, making sure it wouldn’t distract from the photos.

* The Premium Membership at Simple Scrapper provides skills and shortcuts to help you simplify and find more meaning in your memory keeping.

lo, real life, simple scrapper

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