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Bettter late than never, right?
To be honest, I’m missing a week of March, but the photos from that week were terrible and I don’t remember much. No real stories to tell.
To be able to catch up on PL, I decided to done the whole month of April across two pages. Of course, this makes it a bit superficial, but I noticed that now I journal more than what I did when I had two pages for one week. It makes me have to highlight the big things, yet, I don’t feel like I lose the everyday life.
I’ve set myself a goal and that is to do one month a day until I’m all caught up. That means that Thursday is May, Friday is June and Monday is July.
Not sure what to do when I have caught up, though? Go back to one/two pages per week? Continue with one month over two pages? What do you think?
Right now I’m just glad to be back on horse…! Although, I do feel that maybe PL isn’t for me.
I love the idea of it, but I also feel a bit stuck trying to make my life fit into these pockets.
Also, I’m doing this. Are you?