An Instagram update

Jul 07, 2012 14:58

Originally published at One Life Documented. You can comment here or there.


It’s drizzling outside, so here I am, in front of the laptop instead of out there, working on the terrace. Well, we are, but we came in due to the drizzle. I hope it clears up soon.

I thought I could share a few new Instagram photos with you today. I haven’t scrapbooked in a few days, so there’s nothing new to share.

Sandor resting on the couch.

This is, for him, a normal facial expression.

Syrio has no qualms resting on the neighbor’s terrace. None at all.


On Thursday, we were invited over to a neighbor’s

place to drink wine (for instance a 1970 Faustino I).

This amused me.

Until later, I hope you have a nice weekend

real life

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