Sep 29, 2010 14:53
X-posted from Wordpress
This is two weeks old, but better late than never, right?
This is my notes from my supervision with both supervisors.
* Descartes (Imitations)
* Toffoletti
* Baudrillard
* Beauvoir
The cyborg as phenomenon/the posthuman is a large field with a political, ideological superstructure. It problematizes dualistic entities. Why is the cyborg important for my project? Caprica uses both the cyborg and dualism.
How to separate between nature and culture? The visual vs. the material?
Two levels: virtual, cyborg/machine. How do they effect my thesis that Caprica is a feminist project?
NB! Content analysis: What?! Thematics! Text as case. What happens? What’s the effect? Agents??