It's not often I fall in love with books, but it happens. And no it's happened again.
Karl Ove Knausgård has caused quite a bit of tumult with his novel/autobiography Min Kamp (which, yes, can be translated as Mein kampf, although it would seem the English title is My Struggle) over the past couple of months. With three out of six books released over the course of just a few short fall months in 2009, he has become the one to read, and talk about. A few people have been overly critical, if you ask me. Others have asked if this is indeed fiction, and others have used to to predict the death of the novel.
Me? I just like the books. I finished the third yesterday and am impatiently awaiting the next, which will be released next week. And while I'm waiting I'm reading
A time for Everything, albeit, in Norwegian. It would seem his autobiographical novel are to be published in quite a few other languages, as well, and I highly suggest you
take a look at him.