Three thoughts on the presidential debate last night:
1) Obama is pure class.
Although I almost wished he'd called McCain on his BS a little more. But at least he took the high road, suggesting that they actually discuss the issues rather than how much they're hurting each other's feelings with the less-than-respectful campaigning. Aaand McCain just ignored it and went for the low blows. Next to Obama, who was a paragon of politeness, McCain just came across as blustering and scrappy, constantly interrupting Obama and rolling his eyes at what he was saying.
2) Say it after me, McCain: "Down's Syndrome"
My brother has Down's, and not that that makes me an expert or anything, but it does mean that I'm possibly a little more attuned to this issue than others might be. So of course I noticed right away when McCain said autism rather than Down's. The interesting thing about this is that, at first, I actually gave McCain the benefit of the doubt (weird, right?), because it seemed as though he was just giving an example of special needs. Then he said it at least twice more in reference to Palin's own "expertise" in this area, and I realized that he's just a tool.
3) McCain needs to get over Clinton.
Did anyone else notice how many times McCain invoked Senator Clinton during the debate? Is he seriously still trying to woo the Clinton supporters? I'm not sure if he's noticed that, in order to do that, he should probably have a platform that isn't anti-woman. Just a thought.
And as parting remarks, an image that pretty much sums it all up:
Ganked this image from
somniesperus, who assured us that we should not credit her for it because she ganked it from somewhere else (but shouldn't you at least get a little credit for spreading such brilliance?)
ETA: OMG, just found this one, which is an even better angle. This photo begs to be captioned...
ETA 2:
Here's a fairly entertaining commentary on the debate. My favourite line? "[McCain]'s staring at Obama in a vaguely unsettling way, blinking rapidly, and, unless I'm mistaken, spelling out 'The Acorn doesn't fall far from the terrorist' in Morse code."
And yes, I'm aware of the irony that the day after the Canadian election, I'm more interested in posting about the US debate. I'm in denial, okay?