We have the power, so can you!

Apr 14, 2008 10:41

Last night, I spent 3 hours of my life watching episodes of She-Ra on YouTube, and I have come to the conclusion that She-Ra made me gay. Let me elaborate.

It all started when I stumbled across one of random_flores's fanfic recommendations, and the fandom gave me pause. She-Ra femslash? Seriously? It seemed too campy to be true, while also reminding me of this xkcd comic that states: "Rule 34 of the internet: If you can imagine it, there is porn of it."

Now, it's been decades since I've even thought about She-Ra, let alone watched an episode. So, being the good little researcher that I am, I decided I needed to go back and reminisce. Within the first few seconds, before the opening credits were even over, it all just came flooding back.

Memory is a sneaky, elusive thing. I mean, I don't even think I knew that Adora had once been on the side of evil, working for the Horde. But there were some things that just seemed to click - like the moment that I saw Shadow Weaver, there was this lightning bolt of recognition. It went something like this: "OMG, I totally remember her!" The memory made me kinda warm and tingly, reminding me of simpler days. Good times.

I also quickly discovered that the viewing became infinitely more enjoyable if I imagined He-Man as a big ole' dyke. I mean, check out his hair! It also made me giggle every time he punched something. I mean, the dude just goes around punching things! It's like, his thing. That's messed up, and doesn't exactly seem like the kind of thing we should be teaching our young ones. Dude needs anger management.

But back to She-Ra. Now I'm not one to get all creepy about a cartoon character. Gross. But seeing her in that outfit made me finally realize why I've always had a thing for knee-high, calve-defining boots. My five-year old self might not have known it at the time, but She-Ra totally made me gay.

ETA: Just finished the She-Ra fanfic by jengrrrl. Completely blew me away - it was epic and all kinds of wonderful.


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