May 26, 2007 19:10
Firstly, I was just going through the receipts in my wallet. Came across the one from last nights A&W meal. Says $77.33...not the $7.33 that I supposedly paid. It hasn't shown up on my online VISA statement yet, but when it does, and it's wrong, I'm going to have to haul my ass to Tillicum mall and yell at them for being incompetent ass bags. If they don't give me my 70 bucks back (they failed to give me a receipt saying what I ordered), there will be hell to pay! Or I could just call VISA and not move....*grumbles*
In other news from last week, I learned that I can't spell. We were playing D&D, and I was looking over my character sheet, I realized something was wrong when I spelled staff "staph", though I still say a staph of necromancy would be infinitely cooler. Man those would be some sweet bacteria! Anyways, then Phil was looking over my feats, and realized that I spelled vile damage as "vial" damage. He laughed at me. It's not MY fault I've been playing with vials of flies for the past four months! So, I decided that either a) I need to be less educated, or b) I need to be way less of a biology nerd.
EDIT: The receipt also has my full card number and expiry date on it....someone is going to fucking die.
EDIT 2: Canceled VISA card due to them having the number and shouldn't. Have to wait a week to get my new card. Must kill all fast food workers.