MONDAY: Arrived etc, within 30 minutes of getting there we were back on a mini bus dressed in our waterproofs catching things in a river! My "small" coat which I'd hired was anything but small and was also the same colour as my waterproof pants (also hired) so I looked like a big green worm thing/the killer fisherman from I know what you did last summer! Did stuff, got wet (but I was dry due to waterproofing! hehe) then went back and had about a 3 hour lesson with Adrian Pickles, the head of the field centre about random crap! Got a brew, 4 biscuits and some cake, did more work, had tea, ran screaming in the woods to set some traps, realised anthing we caught would die over night because we hadn't set the trap at an angle, went to bed.
TUESDAY: Disappointed to find we hadn't caught anything alive or otherwise. Measured the abundance of dogs mercury around beech and ash trees, had a lot of very boring lesson time, ate chocolate krispie cakes, did more work, played manhunt, spoke to my munky, went to bed.
WEDNESDAY: the day of out "individual study". Did the same as yesterday only couldn't be arsed so *ahem* made the results up *ahem*, had a brew, watched neighbours went home! THE END!
My baby stayed last night! It was goood hehe!
Got fuck loads of work to do for monday! Oh the joy of essays! Mehr to college!
Saw Emma and her mother while I was driving! She caused me to mount the curb when I was waving madly! oh well!
Hmm plans for the weekend: nothing tomorrow night as usual although might see if the boyo wants to go to the cinema to see SAW unless he'll be too scared because he's a big pussy like he said he would be last night! saturday, may be going to the rehearsal room if the rest of "the band" aren't going out! Sunday, work! hurray!
Does anyone else think that internet shopping/ebay shopping just doesn't count?