Hello from surprisingly sunny Edmonton Alberta! I've actually been home since Friday, but I hadn't slept properly for 48+ hours, so I couldn't really update then. On Saturday I was trying to get all of my crappy pictures fixed. On Sunday I had dinner with my family, and then dinner again with some Vic friends (you know who you are!). On monday I worked and then drifted in and out of sleep on the couch. Today, I caught up on all the most important Livejournal posts, though I didn't leave comments.
carrieaki, I am still very envious of the Coachella business; I'd probably have gone just for the Roger bit if I'd known and not been in, you know, Italy. =P I'm still rather jet-lagged (My body thinks that 4am is the same as noon, and consequently wakes me up early every day!) but it's getting better. Today I'm going to der Bagel's grad party, or I'd make a proper big post with pictures and stuff (that is up and coming). I'm also gonna post a picture of my amazing venice second hand flares. Yeah, most expensive jeans I've ever bought, but that's because I'm cheap and love the Army & Navy a bit too much. Also I'm pretty sure what I paid for them is fair, weight-to-euro wise. ANYWAY! Before the massive update, here is a picture (teaser! =P) of me in Heathrow, playing with plastic giraffes (I apologize if it's sideways; photobucket sucks sometimes):
And one of me on a beach in Greece (yay boobies!):