Title: The Hard Part (or How I Let The Boys Boil Over Now In Order To Simmer Down Later)
mercury_pheonix Fandom: EastEnders
Characters: Christian Clarke, Syed Masood, Tamwar Masood, Jane Beale.
Pairings: Christian/Syed
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Up until Thursday 27th January '11
Summary: The true challenge in any relationship comes not in times of peace, but in times of conflict. Can Christian and Syed rebuild from the rubble of their first major fall out? Or has the baby issue just taken them too far?
A/N: I wrote this because I don't trust writers. Anywhere. My time in various fandoms (Torchwood and Phantom of the Opera specifically) has taught me that writers are more likely to screw you over when it comes to concluding a particular story thread rather than actually doing it well. And, seeing as Christian and Syed were just about willing to boil over about the whole baby issue, I didn't think it could be left simmering for another week and a half (or however long until they're actually in the show again). So this is me trying to depict, realistically, what I think happened on the night of that episode. Those of you who've read my Torchwood stuff will know that I thrive on angst as long as it is resolved well - fluff and domestic fun never got anyone any screen time, unfortunately. I'm blowing them up in order to rebuild them stronger.
Part 1:
ExplosionPart 2:
DebrisPart 3:
Rescue Effort
Part 4:
Salvaging Part 5:
Building Stronger Foundations