Served Cold | Chapter 25

Jan 12, 2011 00:10

Title: Served Cold
Author: mercury_pheonix 
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Children of Earth Fix-It.
Characters: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Gray, The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, Rory Williams, Alonso Frame
Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Amy/Rory, Jack/Alonso, Ianto/Gray (one-sided, non-con)
Ratings/Warnings: R - sex, rape, abuse, torture.
Spoilers: All ( Read more... )

torchwood, ianto jones, jack/ianto, coe fix-it, jack harkness, angst, eleventh doctor, rory williams, amy pond, amy/rory, fanfiction, ianto is alive, doctor who

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Comments 39

syien_island January 12 2011, 00:21:39 UTC
Oh for the love of George Michael! Your cliffhangers will be the death of me!

I know how you feel, especially with TWNW looming like a ominous attention whore over our shoulders. Other fandoms have taken hold of me and I've strayed a bit from Jack/Ianto, but just recently, I read the most amazing Torchwood/House of Leaves crossover fic, and even though I wish I could ignore TWNW all together, talking about it and discussing with it's utter rubbishness with other people who feel as I do about the whole thing keeps me in the fandom. I care about it still because I remember the things that made me love Torchwood in the first place, and I think people who are new to the show oughta know that too.


mercury_pheonix January 12 2011, 00:58:13 UTC
I love cliffhangers. Well, I hate them and love them. It always feels good to know they've done their job.

I think there's just so much negativity in TW, so many negative feelings from me regarding it. And every so often I'll accidentally stumble on something squeeing about the new series, and the bottom just kind of drops out of my world again. I have other fandoms now, which I adore (watch this space for a lot more Doctor Who 5 fics, specifically Amy/Rory fics) I love the people and I love these characters and I love what it was. But the hurt overshadows everything. Gah. The biggest tragedy to come out of COE was the complete destruction of the fandom - and of my ability to watch Torchwood. I can't watch the first two series, I just can't do it. That breaks my heart.

Still - happy icon time.


msemmaloo January 12 2011, 00:37:13 UTC
Here's a hug for you. And look, I've got some cookies and milk for you too!
Please, continue this, let us know how it's reconciled!


mercury_pheonix January 12 2011, 00:50:47 UTC
Thank you! Like I said, I can't just leave it but it's difficult.

*returns hug*

*takes milk and cookies*

*puts on a Disney film*



space_monkey52 January 12 2011, 00:44:26 UTC
Left a comment on FF.Net, but adding hugs.


mercury_pheonix January 12 2011, 00:52:47 UTC
Aww. Love you. And agree with everything you said on It actually took me a year to get out of the dark stage that COE put me into. I was in a dark place when I watched Series 1-2 and they got me out of it - COE put me back in. I only managed to climb out when I went to University. I'm not putting my mental well-being on the line ever again - RTD's hands are just not trustworthy enough to have control of something so precious.


space_monkey52 January 12 2011, 01:01:01 UTC
I didn't really start writing until after CoE aired. All of my stories have been mainly focused on Jack/Ianto and I refuse to let any of them conclude with anything other than a happy ending. I've had a plot bunny stuck in my head for months that I'm trying to find time to write that follows the same pattern, except longer than what I've written so far and with more angst. Not sure when I'll be able to find time to write it though. =/


mercury_pheonix January 12 2011, 01:11:39 UTC
Me too. I sort of went "fuck 'em" (this is an adult rated fic, so I can swear here) and decided to keep the characters alive in my own way. That's when I really got into fanfiction. Honestly, I believe that RTD does not decide when a character dies. We do. It's us. If we say he's alive, then he's fucking alive.


milady_dragon January 12 2011, 01:06:35 UTC
It's depressing, I know...but don't let them win. Do what you want, and ignore the bad stuff. This is so good, and you're a great writer, you shouldn't give up.

Yes, I'm in the same boat emotion-wise but I'm not letting it get to me. Do what you need to do, but don't let them force you away.


mercury_pheonix January 12 2011, 01:13:27 UTC
Gah, it's depressing. Gah, it's bleak. Thank you so much. I know it's possible to write fanfiction and ignore everything else. I have my own canon. It involves Ianto and Tosh and Owen rebuilding Torchwood in Cardiff - if Jack and Gwen have fucked off to America, then whose to say that they aren't doing exactly that?


milady_dragon January 12 2011, 18:36:58 UTC
I'd totally read that!


Oh God, It's a Monster of A Post. Lord it wasn't supposed to get this long.... possibly_sane18 January 12 2011, 01:06:49 UTC
I'm de-lurking to say I think I know how you feel. For me, it's the fact that I'm not too happy about Stars taking over and how a very British show suddenly has all these American elements. Bill Pullman does nothing for me, Mekhai or however you spell it is cute but I'd never look past him in ER. I just feel that RTD is trying to use it as a vehicle to launch him into Hollywood. If he were a better writer, he could use another vehicle and pitch Torchwood over to writers like yourself and other writers in this forum, I'd have more faith in TW. But it's the fan fiction that's keeping me in. The reruns of the first two seasons that make me remember the show I fell in love with. Yes, I will admit, Captain Jack brought me into the show but Ianto kept me there. I am curious about the Immortal aspect but it's not enough to peak my interest to watch (will someone write one?!). That and I don't get Stars here in the US. At first, I thought RTD was the schniz. As an aspiring screenwriter myself, I gobbled up A Writer's Tale and all episodes of ( ... )


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