Title: Served Cold
mercury_pheonix Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Children of Earth Fix-It.
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Gray, Eleventh Doctor, Amy/Rory
Ratings/Warnings: R - sex, rape, abuse, torture.
Spoilers: All series.
Summary: When the Hub explodes, and the cryogenic chambers are flung open, one of its inhabitants manages to
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Comments 67
Your explanation of the Creature Cantina and the reason for its existence made me smile and was a welcome respite from the really heavy-hitting stuff you have going on throughout the rest of the chapter. (Though there just is no way to explain why they'd be playing a song from a human musical in 1930s New York. *eyeroll*)
Congrats on the newborn cousins! And congrats on another excellent chapter.
And there did have to be some kind of explanation for the complete Star Wars rip-off. It's just a shame that I, as a fanfiction writer, am kind of having to cover RTD's arse in trying to make it make some sense. Ah well.
Thank you so much!
that end...OMG...
that...god....*crawl under bed and cries softly*
It will get better I promise!
Thank you for commenting but...please come out soon?
*nibble cookie*
i have my ability to speak recovered.
I am a fellow since the first chapter. And man this was a litte blow to the guts.
What the Doctor did was like 'Here, sorry your other Puppy was hit by a car...so here is a new one for you. His Name is Alonso. Shag him and feed him and water him...play nice. bye the doc'
Not fair for poor Alonso to be a pity shag, oder someone to forget someone other. (Even i didn't watch the season. In germany was not a lot of seasons, i think only one season with Tennant, and the season with Eccelston. But i heard and i was not amused...NOT....*weird eye twitch*)
And Ianto gets a full Stockholm Syndrom. But that is a fact that kicks my plot bunnies into action =O
Go ON! *gives you also a cookie and some ice cream* I made bot myself *proud*
I really felt sorry for Jack in the beginning of this chapter *hugs him*
I nearly felt sorry for Gray until he broke Ianto's hand/arm.
Poor boys *hugs them*
I like how you integrated EoT into this, you didn't make me feel violently ill like I did when it aired on TV.
But, please, whatever you do, don't actually write the Jack/Alonso bit, I really could not be able to stomach it.
If you decide to put it in, fair enough, but can you put in a warning so I can skip that part of the chapter?
Thanks Pheonix :) *keeps up mantra from earlier chapters*
Thank you!
(I agree with you, by the way, but we shall see)
Jack just hurts so much, and Ianto is SO screwed up...
They have to find him! They have to find him NOWNOWNOWNOWNOW!!!
Your Ianto scenes are absolutely heartbreaking. You're so good at portraying the subtle psychology of the beginnings of Stockholm. He's so human, so real. He has strength but he's still so fragile, somehow.
Thank you. THANK YOU. This is my favorite Torchwood fanfic ever.
Thank you so much *blushes and hides*. That's...ah...I'm just glad you're enjoying it!
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