Title: All Seeing Eyes
mercury_pheonix Characters/Pairings: Team
Spoilers: Throughout Series 1 and 2
Rating: G
tw100 Challenge #156:
Team PetSummary: Sometimes it’s the smallest eyes that see the biggest picture.
All Seeing Eyes
He’s newly-born, sheltering from the fireworks. It’s warm down here.
He burrows into the coat of the crying man, feeling soft hands close around him.
He doesn’t leave.
Years later, a woman arrives. She puts out food for him, keeping her distance and watching.
The next man throws something at him. Later, he gives him some water.
The younger man talks to him in the basement, but he doesn’t understand the words.
The newest woman smiles at him, stroking his pelt and crying softly.
They all think he’s their own secret. Only he knows he belongs to all of them.