Title: Back To Basics
mercury_pheonix Characters: Team
Rating: G
tw100 Image: 150Summary: An electro-magnetic pulse sweeps through the Torchwood Hub, leaving untold horrors in its wake.
A/N: This was written for humorous purposes only; no insult was intended to any members of the Torchwood organisation or those affiliated with them...
Back To Basics
The Torchwood Team clustered together, eyes fixed on the monstrosity they now faced.
“What are we going to do?”
“We’ll never survive this.”
“Oh God, it’s the end…”
“No,” Ianto smiled. “It’s a pen, paper and a ruler. Since the pulse knocked out our systems, we’re going to have to go back to basics for now.”
Jack looked to his team, an excited grin stretching his features.
“Come on, guys, it’ll be fun! Get some caffeine in your system and…”
“Actually…” Ianto shrugged sheepishly. “The coffee machine runs on electricity.”
Together they slumped forward, realisation hitting:
Torchwood just wasn't ready.