(no subject)

Jun 15, 2007 22:42

Ok, I never use LJ anymore but I probably should make more of an effort, ne?

I did finally meet Pete O_O *gasp* It was, umm, I dunno. It was good, yes. But left me with more questions about us. It was only our first time meeting, there was a connection, but was it love? I have a feeling I felt more then him, but that may not be true. He was different irl then I'd imagined. He's always talking and teasing me about cuddling and hugging and kissing and stuff, but he's more reserved in person. He's not touchy-feely and admits to coming off as cold sometimes. But he has his reasons. He's been hurt, and has put up walls, he admitted as much. We did do some hand holding and touching and what not, but not as much as I would of liked. I know it's not his thing, but it makes me insecure, wondering how he really feels. We are back to talking on the phone every day, nothing has changed. We want him to come visit here in October, not sure if that will happen yet. Not gonna get my hopes up, but I know he wants to. It's just financial and family stuff going on his life makes that very hard. If he does come then we'd stay together in a motel and I'd pay as much as I can for that because I really want to see him again. But if it doesn't work out then I will go back out there for a few days again. His father wants me to move out there. He told me hopes I did because I make Pete happy. I almost started crying when he said that, lol. We'll see what happens in a few months.

Oh, did I mention I am no longer a virgin? uhhh, yeah ^_^;;
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