Writer's Block: Clumsiest moment

May 20, 2008 10:26

Most embarrassing memory, wow there's a heap there. But the most embarrassing one would have to be when I was 13-14yr old and sitting in a science class at ryan catholic college. the lab was designed to have benches around the outside of the room and the desks in the centre. Anyway I think I got banished up to the bench for something *frowns* We were watching a sex ed vid on how the human body prepares for sex and all that. Anyway during a scene were we are watching the guys cum heading down the shaft on the inside I happened to say "mmmm juicy". Now this wouldnt have been to bad if the teacher hadn't been sitting right next to me (and he was kinda cute) and half the front row went silent then pissed them selves laughing. Don't get me wrong it was bloody hilarious but so damn embarrassing at the same time.... The stuff we do and say at the wrong moments...

memory, embarrasment, writer's block

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