Jun 18, 2009 06:15
A recent oddity in my dreams has me a bit worried. I seem to have recurring dreams about my teeth falling out. Now, this isn't, "Oh no! My teeth! I need dentures now!" falling out, but it's almost as though they're just replacing themselves as a shark would.
Last night's variation actually had nothing else in the dream that I can remember, just standing around, reaching into my mouth and pulling out a tooth, dropping it an pulling out another one and on and on and on. I think it's a positive dream, though, because at the beginning the teeth I was pulling out didn't seem to be in the best of health, and then they started to look quite healthy, and there were always more of them.
Or it could be tied, indirectly, to Kevin.
Gross confession time... For the longest time, actually let's just be completely honest and say for most of my life, I've only brushed my teeth once a day, in the morning. This irked Kevin to no end, and oral hygiene aside, getting morning breath blasted first thing by your lover can be not so pleasant... After teasing me about it, and then just eventually getting direct and asking me to brush my teeth every night, I find that the habit, though good, corresponds with the increase in the dreams of this nature (and remembering my dreams with more frequency and clarity in general...)
Speaking of Kevin, he's now settling into Vancouver with gusto, and is making me quite proud with how quick his turn around has been thus far. Bank and phone and living arrangements business is being ironed out, and my worry has decreased substantially from when he hopped on the plane yesterday afternoon.
Of course, that's the exact time when someone punctures said worry free balloon with an invitation to a gay bar in Vancouver. Grah...
I wrote about it in my hard copy purge journal, and I think I've come to the conclusion that it's not about my not trusting him completely, but mostly about history repeating itself, on both sides of the cheating spectrum, really. I mean, my only time cheating was when I was in a different city from my partner at the time. I'm no saint.
When it comes to cheating, I think that the fact I've been a cheater is part of the bigger problem. I can remember, though not exactly, what I was thinking at the time, and the exact period of time when my mind shifted into a decision of "yes, this is going to happen". The idea that you're swept up in some sort of stream of emotion, though I think I may have said something to that effect as an initial explanation, doesn't hold much validity upon further scrutiny. I've learned my lesson from that far ago time (and also lessons from being cheated on before and since then)
I'm also of the opinion that cheating is only as frequent as the opportunities to do so, that it's not really something that is in a person's mind until it's put there by a situation where it becomes an option. It's more like it's triggered, really. Though I guess I should change all of those statements to "I feel" statements... How about we just leave it at, as this is my journal, you can just assume all of this isn't a broad sweeping statement on humanity, but a reflection of humanity in the microcosm that is my experience. HAHAHA!
That'll cover my ass all right... *rolls eyes*
Anyhoo, just thought an update was good. I think I'll write an actual "I did this yesterday" journal entry sometime later. ^_^
Adeus, lovelies.