It's kind of a long read, but not too long.
She won't see this since she doesn't have a computer right now, but Happy 19th Birthday to Jacqui <3
Things went pretty well. It was cool just hanging around outside at the picnic tables and stuff. I did more walking than was necessary, but that's okay.
Tomorrow I don't have to be in until 11:15 which makes up for my getting up early today. Unfortunately I'll probably go in early tomorrow to drop my Physics class and put something else in it's place. Bastards. That and I have to return the Physics book to the store.
My Intro to Information Systems teacher is a little fruity but he's not an asshole so it's fine. The Computer Science Principles class looks like it's going to be very, very dry and very boring. But I don't mind since I'll be sitting in front of a computer and that's all I usually do anyway.
The Physics class looks awesome but unfortunately I have to drop it due to my current lack of calculus. Next year?
Tomorrow is Music Theory and English Comp. Sounds fine to me. From what Joe's said, Music Theory looks kinda tough but rewarding.
After I get my loan I might look into getting a new laptop. I'll just ebay the one I have now or sell it to someone that wants a decent laptop with bad battery life. I want a Core 2 Duo laptop since the batteries last up to like 8 hours (on the dells that have them). I'll get a dell if I can get battery life that long for $700. Just because sometimes I might have a couple hours to kill on campus, and next year laptops are a requirement anyway. Or maybe I'll stick with the one I have, who knows.
Oh and thanks to Mr. Chris Emco I have a job interview at Subway in Sturbridge Saturday morning.