Barring any disasters (which I am never at a loss to imagine), I got the job. It's only for a few weeks in July and August and won't make me rich, but it's something, at least. And the company, as represented by the woman I spoke to, seems reasonably fun and unpretentious and gave me a much better feeling than the company I interviewed with last summer, who I ended up not working for.
[ETA: Ohhhh wait, on second (obsessive, insomniac) look, the offer was for fully twice as many weeks as I thought at first. I can't count at all. The good news is: twice as much money. The other good news: it's not an accounting job.]
I should also have some webmastery to do for the department, so all told it's shaping up to be a fairly active and not completely impoverished summer.
Anyway, I can't say often enough how much I hate job interviews. Even a successful one leaves me feeling foolish, self-critical, and ungenuine. I hate them and if ruled the world I would abolish them.
Now I'm exhausted and overcaffeinated but I said I would volunteer for a thing so I have to go to the thing. Whoooops.
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