Where have I been? Dancing and wishing I weren't! I am yet again burnt out on all those crazy people and their sexcapades, and happy to crawl back into the warm embrace of the internet.
In that spirit:
DID YOU KNOW MIXED MUSES HAD AN OOC COMM?? I have used it to express my feelings that the KKBB Harry-Perry duo + Tony Stark = greatness.For those of you who have not seen this gigantic Doyle-flavored headache, I have been having way too much fucking fun playing Mary Watson and everyone who tagged in is a rock star. Although Mary really does wish her goddamn husband would show up. XDCan we do some kind of RP-With-Me meme now that we're on DW? I know I have promised soooome of you an angry pregnant werewolf club owner, and I had various threads planned with various and sundry of you, but there are a LOT OF YOU I SEE OUT HERE I am somehow MYSTERIOUSLY NOT PLAYING WITH AND IT NEEDS TO END.
I think the last time I tried something like this it was Comment with a list of characters you play or would like to play and people will comment with thread requests and everyone will make friends and have fun together forever.
If this appeals to people, plz to pimp around? I think I'm actually gonna crosspost this one just to signal boost.