Maybe I'm not as smart as I think I am???
I am on page fucking 135, with all the explorers which IS ITSELF A FOOTNOTE, and the footnotes INSIDE that footnote LEAD TO ALL THE WRONG PLACES. They're out of order, and I STILL HAVEN'T FOUND WHERE THE FUCK FOOTNOTE 166 STARTS, and by the time you unravel one footnote snarl there are AT LEAST THREE MORE by the end of the goddamn paragraph, and JOHNNY TRUANT HAS TO BE MAKING UP SOME OF THIS SEX.
I now react to footnote shenanigans with rage.
ETA: Guess who officially looks like a psychopath for taking pictures of the written-in-reverse footnotes in public??? IN STARBUCKS??? PEOPLE ARE STARING AT ME.
ETA2: ... Like the house, this book is a lot bigger on the inside than it is on the outside.