1. Late to the Harry Potter AU party,
death vision Hufflepuff Ava!
2. You all need this in your lives. All of you.
Harry Potter as an anime. You're welcome.
3. Mr. Perfect still likes me. <3__<3
4. I may have found a Kushiel sorting quiz. AND IMMEDIATELY TRIED IT ON A MESS OF MY CHARACTERS.
Ava, unsurprisingly --> Mandrake
Puck --> Jasmine (it was that or Orchis)
Clarice --> despite her quiz result, I think she would be most comfortable as a boy-in-disguise Cassiline brother
Matt --> .... Valerian
I'm not writing him into Valerian. COME ON, HE'S A SEXUAL MYSTIC, PUT THIS MAN IN GENTIAN. Do we never see anything from Balm and Alyssum because they're so freaking boring?
Yrstrly, in the shocker of the century, got Eglantine, aka the house with all the tumblers and singers.