VP debate commentary (SPOILER ALERT)

Oct 03, 2008 02:44

I am a serious business politics major. So naturally, my reaction to the vice presidential debates is both deep and nuanced.

1. Biden was great at being concise, authoritative, self-deprecating and emotional in the right places, and generally not boring. I do not mean to say that he planned every second of that debate, because Lord knows he didn't, but I found him generally very polished and very poised.

2. Watching Sarah Palin was way less fun than it could have been, because every time I kept wanting to laugh at her, I analyzed my own biases instead and got depressed at my pettiness. However, some key phrases that will never not be funny, no matter what side of the aisle you're on: say it ain't so, doggone it, I'll betcha, ask soccer moms, connection to the heartland of America. (ETA: Also, we are to be that shining city on a hill, as President Reagan so beautifully said. OR PERHAPS DO YOU MEAN JOHN WINTHROP?? WHO SAID IT 350 YEARS EARLIER??? MAYBE?)


4. Why can't Republicans pronounce the word "nuclear"? Come on, people. It's not actually that hard. NUKE-LEE-ERR.

5. I support Sarah Palin for president.

6. Most Ironically Used Word of the Evening: respect. As in, "I RESPECT you and your family, Senator Biden." "I know that you RESPECT John McCain, Senator Biden, as evidenced by how you used to support him even though now you conveniently don't, but I RESPECT that too."

7. Sarah Palin impressed even me by combining half-baked gender politics with a crippling ignorance of Joe Biden's personal life. Poor guy.

In my very astute and college-edummacated judgment? Biden is the clear winner. People need to stop cutting Palin slack and start comparing her to her competition; I think the difference between them was made abundantly clear this evening.
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