or for those of you with a fast car, but a slow connection... (Yeah...a little below the belt... ::cough cough:: love ya!)
Belated Megacon price list... (costume stuffs not included this time)
$60.00 - Room rate
$18.00 - Megacon admission
$11.77 - Disposable camera
$8.97 - picture developing
$20.00 - 6 anime pins (5 Fruits Basket, and a P-chan)
$15.00 - Anime Sushi t-shirt
$9.27 - munchies
~$9.00 - Pizza Hut yum
~$7.00 - random hotel fees, tolls, and parking
No new anime! Aren't you proud of me?
Total: $159.01
I'm getting better...last year's total sans costume stuffs was $362.28
but hey...You're Under Arrest was a great series!