There's a shortage of perfect breasts in the world...

Nov 02, 2003 02:01

Yay coming home early!
Yay visiting grade school!
Yay Halloween!
Yay Buddha's birthday!
Yay buying another three dvd's this weekend!
Yay for the really nive employee guy who dug through old dvd's for me!

So, yeah...I've been buying a lot more dvd's ever since I realized that I can afford three old dvd's for the price of one anime dvd. The prizes this weekend?
The Princess Bride (love Buddha for showing me), The Sound of Music, and Donnie Darko (love the Zaku for it showing me).

Halloween was much fun-ish...except for that really bad movie we watched. Well, even then, it was kind of amusing to make fun of. Our party consisted of a White Mage, belly dancer, Pilot, Dweeb Man, Batman, Vampire, Dark-evil-black-devil Sage-ish thing, Pirate, Jesus, BK band member, and a Pichu.../crop duster/mexican punk-ish/cyclist/bishop/...yeah.

Much candy was obtained...and a little one got his candy stolen by some kids and a "boulder". But, Valiant John came to the rescue. He gave up his candy for the kid. Twas very noble. I love!

Get to find put what I got on Chem tomorrow...::cries::
Not worrying about that is for worrying about...FFTA!

I really hope my poor Koneko feels better. I love you Cat!

video games, koi, movies, koneko

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