Jan 27, 2010 17:07


So LJ just billed me for another year of paid time....so I figured I'd actually use it XD
Plus I guess I owe Koko an update.

Most of the time spent not updating has been spent in WoW, of course, but the other bit of it has been stressing over Grand Rounds. It didn't do so hot. Not only did I get stuck on some of their questions, but I was stupid and left my phone on before I went up to speak. My alarm went off as I was closing up, and I know it was my own damn fault, but it still sucked. I came home that day hoping to relax, only to find out that the internet was out....so I ended up benadryl-ing and just sleeping the whole night through XD

Another huge source of stress has been applying for residencies. So far, I have been rejected by my first and last choices. The problem is that one of the people I asked for recommendation letters has not sent them to any of the places but the one she worked at. I'm pretty sure Shands auto-trashed my application because I didn't have her recommendation in on time. Now, Baptist has emailed me twice asking for that late recommendation to be emailed/faxed, but I haven't been able to get a hold of her. I seriously think that Baptist is where I have the best chance, but they'll throw out my application if I don't get another recommendation to them today. I finally just asked Dr. Thurmon to do a quick emergency letter for me. It sucks that my life has to depend on one person not keeping her word.

In the gaming world, Koi started me back up on Ragnarok a bit. In turn, I finally got him on WoW. But, there's been recent drama in game that I just don't think I can deal with atm. In the anime world, Koi and I just finished Kampfer XD
yurilicious....if you can stomach the bad story lol

In random news, Koi is helping me build my new computer!
case I have at the moment:

two cores I'm debating:


vid card....mmmmmmmm three monitors lol
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