Jun 08, 2009 02:58

Bad weekened save for today.
I forgot my laptop charger in Savannah on Friday when I drove back. Basically, this meant I had NOTHING TO DO especially since I left everything else but my laptop in Savannah thinking WoW, Sins of the Solar Empire, and Star Craft would keep me occupied. (Oh and the proofreading I need to catch up on...Sorry Satashi XD).
I ended up rewatching old Xena (OMGXENA) episodes I had on VHS (yes! VHS!). I even saw a commercial for the N64 XD gosh I'm so old...

Woke up on Saturday and checked my email via cell phone to find that someone had changed my WoW password -____-
I asked Satashi to check for me, and sure enough, I am a hacked-up victim. All characters stripped with everything that could be NPC'ed gone with all the gold. I've emailed Blizzard to see if they could fix things, and from what I hear they can. I'll just take a while. Knowing my luck, they'll restore my stuff right as school starts up again. Speaking of which, I missed Dean's list by a freaking 0.03. Totally deserve it though...I haven't exactly been a model student lately XD

I just realized I've made it this long without talking about any of the guildies in WoW...
I do practically see them everyday, so I figure I should.

JP is auto favorite...you know....being my cousin and all XD
Hopefully Tita Carol and Joseph will hope over on DKs
Civ also favorite. He is just really helpful and nice...though he gets really mad sometimes, and I have give him space to cool down >_<
Leann is soooooooooooo funny...she and Miss C. had me chattering my teeth on Thursday from laughing too hard. I hadn't chattered in years!
Law/Harm is the guild leader...but I really dunno where I stand with him. I mean he is really helpful and all, but sometimes he gets too intense for me. I think I made him angry or something Thursday, and he still seems pissed now >_<

Today, I couldn't take not having a computer, so I kidnapped Koi and had him drive with me to Savannah to get the damn laptop charger XD
In return, he made me watch Hatsukoi Limited. I haven't had to slap myself that much since watching little Nanoha and Fate lol

And here I am!
.......now what should I do?


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satashi, video games, koi, starcraft, xena, wow

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