After long years of refusing to play WoW, enduring tough attacks by friends both online and in my face, I have finally succumbed to the temptation. Why? I had my WoW shields up and fully charged in every direction except the one facing my family. Tita Carol, James, Joseph, AND JP all started...and then waved it in front of my face XD
Then Satashi comes along and waves triple experience and free items in my face XD
I've pretty much given up on trying to update on stuff from my 3 month break from lj XD
I can't even remember much lol
Main points are that I survived last quarter, I got a motorcycle license, and I am not looking for a job~
Break was good for about a week, then I had to try as hard as possible to stay out of the house. Tje cousins helped with airsoft and xboxing. Twas a good time.
My laptop has a form of cancer or something. HP actually gave it a life expectancy. lol
Now back in Sav, selling my soul to WoW.
OH! Koko got me started me on the Tortall Universe series by Tamora Pierce. They start out for kids, but they get so good. Hell, even the kiddy ones were great.
new desktop!
ASAKAWA YUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!