This one wins the internets...

Feb 12, 2008 16:24

acutally I guess it IS the internets XD

a must click 0: P

In other news, school sucks. This quarter especially. Hopefully I can throw a safety line to my GPA and keep it from plummeting too far.

Other than the complete suckage that was the school day today, I've been quite giddy in the art section of my life. Dr. Porter was apparently really flattered at the SD Porter that I draw for the bookmarks we're going to sell. I haven't been asked to draw any of the other professors...but that's okay since Porter's got 24857349875239845 quotes.
He totally started singing and dancing to a Celine Dion song. Oh twas grand...
Koko, Boquesha, and I all made sure to record on our cell phone.
Porter rocks yo.

The major part of the giddiness is because of the "worship" sent my way via the Animesuki forums lol
Their praise makes me blush and fidget...but I can't deny that it makes me feel loved. Due to all fic pics I've done for/with Satashi, we've been declared a team and even got our names mashed together (a la Shiznat, Michiruka, Nanofate, Sigmal, etc...):
That made me giggle for the longest time.
Longer than Koquesha XD XD

Don't worry Koi, I still love you 0: P

EDIT from the AS Forums....
Satashi: You should see the Legendary thing she's working on right now

Junkedcat: When we are all old and gray talking to the grandchildren about the internet of old, you two will be mentioned with a gleam in our eyes.


satashi, koi, pharmacy school, boquesha, koko, click the link!

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