7 days, 7 deadly sins....

Nov 26, 2007 02:52

Back in Savannah again...
ugh So not ready for finals

Had a pretty eventful break. I successfully got to spend time with all the people I wanted to mmm I take that back...There was no word from the Koneko all week T_T
Time spent during Turkey break consisted mostly of watching movies, shopping (both with the Mama and with the Serena), sleeping (duh), eating (double duh), and playing video games. Lots of video games.
Thanksgiving itself was a busy day. Woke up to hop over to Koi's house for Thanksgiving dinner #1. I had ONE margarita there and got a little tipsy...what a wimp I am. Someone help me practice drinking!
Anyway, after that, we ran back over to my house for Thanksgiving dinner #2 (and 3). Basically that consisted of video games starting at 5, eating, and more video games and eating until 3 in the morning XD

As promised, here are the Turkey Break Pictures:

Love the upside-down pistol, Joseph...

Perfect cousin picture...'cept I was an idiot and forgot to put on my mask


playing video games


playing video games.....

introducing everyone to Wasabi

....playing...video games...
No wonder I'm a nerd XD

The way JP and I look after video gaming and eating all day (til 3am) drunk

playing vide-oh wait...lalalala
They haven't trained up their gaming skill enough

That's right. I just nerded ALL OVER YOU

random: This song makes me think of Fate
then again what doesn't?

got a new phone too!

pictures, airsoft, the fam

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